The champion leans down to speak to Xaga; Maiz sits behind him.
CHAMPION: I hope we can get to the Crypt of Irchalos before DeVallon manages to find me again. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't already.
XAGA: Oh, you don't have to worry about that.
Front angle on the champion and Xaga.
CHAMPION: Hm? What do you mean?
XAGA: I've been maintaining a magical ward that prevents him from coming near us. It's a temporary measure, but it'll keep him at bay till we reach our destination.
Close on the champion.
CHAMPION: Heh...DeVallon's probably been spending the last few weeks doing nothing but trying to find a way to bypass the ward and get to me...
In the distance, a group of naked woman stand in a circle. In the foreground, DeVallon watches them from behind a tree.
WOMAN: And now, here on the Women's Mount where no mortal male may tread, we shall conduct our ceremonies...
DEVALLON (thinking): I've always wanted to see this...
February 26 2024