Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 28 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak, in the Bar of Soup, throws his arms wide excitedly. ERLAK: Attention, everyone! I have an announcement! It's time for something brand new at the Bar of Soup! PANEL TWO: A god with a crown looks up at him. GOD: So, is this announcement about a new item OTHER than soup? ERLAK: Of course not! That would be silly! PANEL THREE: Bird's eye view of Erlak standing in the circular bar in the center of the Bar of Soup. ERLAK: Today...I'm serving PERSONALIZED soup! Special flavors tailored to each of you! PANEL FOUR: Erlak hands a bowl to the crowned god. ERLAK: For you, Zigali, God of Impertinence, I've made kind of a tart, tangy soup that, you know, BITES YOU BACK! ERLAK: Only not literally. ERLAK: Though in retrospect, that would have been kinda neat. PANEL FIVE: We see Erlak from the back, in front of the gods Halele and !Haadi. ERLAK: Halele, !Haadi, good to see you again. For you, as a God of the Sea, I've made a salty seafood saimin, and for you, Goddess of Trade, an exotic soup made up of ingredients from all over the world, mingling their flavors. PANEL SIX: Erlak gives a bowl to Gantranis, goddess of indulgence. ERLAK: For Gantranis, Goddess of Indulgence... a soup that gets you really, really drunk. GANTRANIS: Works for me! PANEL SIX: Erlak stands in front of Conniff, the Grain Goddess. ERLAK: For Conniff, Goddess of Grain, a soup carefully designed to contain just the right balance of different grains... ERLAK: And also get you a little drunk. PANEL SEVEN: Erlak gives a bowl to Thrumger, the Storm God. ERLAK: I know we hate each other, but I still did my best to make a soup just for you. See, it's got little thunderclouds floating over it. THRUMGER: Uh...thanks. PANEL EIGHT: Erlak puts a bowl in front of Le-Dar, God of Secrets. ERLAK: Le–Dar, God of Secrets...I'm not telling you what I made for you. PANEL NINE: Erlak faces a masked god. ERLAK: Behazli, God of Theft, I didn't make a soup for you 'cause I figured you'd just steal someone else's anyway. ANOTHER GOD (off panel): Hey! Where's my soup? PANEL TEN: The crowned god, Zigali, addresses Erlak. ZIGALI: So what about you? You make a soup for yourself? ERLAK: I have a meta–soup! A soup of soups! Wanna see? PANEL ELEVEN: Zigali points at the bowl in front of Erlak. ZIGALI: Somehow a bowl of soup with little bowls floating in it seems...kind of bathetic. ERLAK: Don't knock it till you've tried it.
April 28 2024

Yeah, okay, maybe it's a little silly how often the gods refer to each other by full title rather than just by name, but, uh, maybe that's just a thing that's done in, uh, god culture for some reason.