Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for February 24 2024.
PANEL ONE: Standing at the bar, Erlak looks distraught. Lambor stands across the bar in front of him. ERLAK: Oh, no! I just remembered—I'm supposed to be picking up a statuette right about now! PANEL TWO: Erlak turns to Lambor. ERLAK: Uh...hey, Lambor, could you do me a favor? LAMBOR: Sure. PANEL THREE: Close on Erlak. ERLAK: I just need you to go tell a certain mortal I'll be running late. I'll give you directions... PANEL FOUR: Lambor stands in front of the statuette shop. As seen in a previous strip, there are various signs around the shop: "Patronized by the Gods", "The Gods Shop Here — Shouldn't You?", "Art Good Enough For The Gods", "Artist of the Gods". PANEL FIVE: Lambor speaks to the craftsman. A sign behind them reads, "Welcome to the Shop of the Gods". LAMBOR: Uh...Erlak said to tell you he'll be late picking up the statuette... CRAFTSMAN: No problem. I'll hold it for him. PANEL SIX: Lambor stands in front of Erlak at his bar. ERLAK: have any trouble finding the place? LAMBOR: Not as much as you might think...
February 24 2024

It is done. All the old strips have been relettered and uploaded. And now I never have to do that again.

(Well, okay, unless and until I find the Adobe Illustrator files for those strips that were missing them (and that I had to reconstruct from the bitmaps), but eh, there aren't that many of those; that's not going to be a big deal (if it happens).)

Of course, now that means I have to start writing and drawing new strips before the backlog of old strips runs out, but that's a lot less tedious. I'll get to it.

And the site still needs some work... I need to get to that too...