Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for February 27 2024.
PANEL ONE: Standing behind the bar, Erlak smiles as he sees Jasda approaching. JASDA: Hey, Erlak. ERLAK: Jasda! You came! PANEL TWO: Jasda speaks to Erlak across the bar. JASDA: Yeah, I would have been here sooner, but I lost track of the time. ERLAK: Yeah, that happens. PANEL THREE: Closer on Erlak ERLAK: Anyway, you want anything? I've got thirty–six different kinds of special soup here so far. PANEL FOUR: Angle on Erlak, with Jasda in the foreground. ERLAK: Or if you don't want any soup and just came here to see what the place is like, that's fine too. I mean, I— PANEL FIVE: Inset panel of Erlak coming to a realization. PANEL SIX: Angle on Jasda, with Erlak in the foreground. ERLAK: Oh, lost track of time! I get it! 'Cause you're the goddess of time, and— JASDA: Okay, that's starting to get slightly less charming.
February 27 2024

See, Jasda is as tired of twenty-years-ago me reusing the same joke as present-day me is! (Am? Present-day I am?)