Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for February 10 2024.
PANEL ONE: The god Lambor faces the demon bartender Drv'dxx across the bar. DRV'DXX: So, I hear Erlak, God of Soup, is advertising a bar of his own. LAMBOR: Yeah, he's putting up flyers and everything. PANEL TWO: Front view of Drv'dxx; we see the back of Lambor's head in front of him. DRV'DXX: He dares compete with me? Try to outdo me at the only thing I am allowed to do? PANEL THREE: Drv'dxx rears the front part of his body up. DRV'DXX: Lure away the very gods whose presence here is to me... such a source of... perpetual... torment... PANEL FOUR: Drv'dxx looks thoughtful. PANEL FIVE: Erlak sits on the bench when Lambor approaches him. LAMBOR: Drv'dxx wants to know if you have any extra flyers he can put up at the Dive Divine.
February 10 2024

I'll try to do better when I draw him in newer strips, but I feel like in the original run of strips, I was... wildly inconsistent with Drv'dxx's size. His head looks waaaay bigger in proportion to Lambor in the second panel than in the first. Then again, I think I was (and to a large degree still am) just bad with proportions in general. And with... well, art.