Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for February 28 2024.
PANEL ONE: Xaga, the champion, and Maiz sit at a table in a tavern. XAGA: mentioned Maiz's transfor– mations are linked to the stars? CHAMPION: Trevalien said something about that. Why? PANEL TWO: Closer on Xaga; the champion is in the foreground. XAGA: Well, the stars, the constellations, rather, are living entities, placed there by the gods. They have some control over events below. So one of them may be responsible. CHAMPION: Why? And what can we do about it? PANEL THREE: Close on Xaga. XAGA: To answer that, we'd have to know which constellate is behind it. And this isn't my field of expertise. But it might be a good idea for you to visit the Grand Observatory of Baltherstowe... PANEL FOUR: A strange man leans on their table. MAN: Did I hear somebody mention the Grand Observatory of Baltherstowe? PANEL FIVE: The three of them stare at the man. PANEL SIX: Closer on the strange man, with Xaga in the foreground. XAGA: Excuse me, have you been eavesdropping on our conversation? MAN: Well, how else could I know when to cut in with MY story?
February 28 2024

I seem to have a lot of strips where the characters are just... sitting in an inn. Or tavern, or... whatever this place is. On the one hand, I guess this is kind of a fantasy staple. On the other hand, I was kind of trying to avoid leaning too hard into fantasy staples, albeit with, as mentioned in previous commentaries, very limited success.