Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 26 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak talks to Lambor across the bar of the Bar of Soup. ERLAK: Hey, Lambor! I'm glad you're here! I, uh...I could use another favor. LAMBOR: What's up? PANEL TWO: Angle on Erlak, closer. ERLAK: Well, uh, I've sorta got to go do some– thing. and I need someone to tend the Bar of Soup for just a moment. PANEL THREE: Close on Lambor. LAMBOR: Uh...I'm the God of Light. I don't know anything about bars... or soup.... PANEL FOUR: Wider angle on Erlak, who is in the process of disappearing. ERLAK: Hey, I had to innovate a little to connect the two in the first place. You'll do fine. Thanks! See you! PANEL FIVE: Behind the bar, Lambor looks uncertainly to the side. PANEL SIX: Lambor looks to the other side. PANEL SEVEN: Lambor holds a bowl from which a glow emanates. LAMBOR: So...who's up for some glowing soup?
March 26 2024

As I've said before, I've had (some major elements of) the overall storyline of the comic planned since the beginning—which is part of the reason I still wanted to revive the comic so long after its abortive initial run; I didn't want all those plans to go to waste. Some of those plans did, however, change over time. I'd originally planned that near the end of the comic, Lambor was going to be killed. I later changed my mind about that, though... which isn't to say that nothing bad is ever going to happen to him, though.

There is at least one other god who's appeared and been named in the comic whom I do still plan to kill off near the end of the comic, although that end is far enough away it's not impossible I may change my mind about that one, too. Still, yeah, near the end of the comic things are going to get serious (well, while also still being (or intended to be) comedic), and some gods are going to die. (Sorry, spoilers.))