Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for February 16 2024.
PANEL ONE: Xaga walks alongside the champion, who rides Nezhoni the giant rat. XAGA: So, I have to exactly did you end up with a giant rat for a mount? PANEL TWO: Side view; we can now see Maiz sitting behind the champion. CHAMPION: Well, according to Erlak, it was the result of some kind of a deal between him and Tfylaon the Rat Goddess. PANEL THREE: Close on Xaga, looking somewhat disgusted. XAGA: Huh. It still seems strange. I mean, what do soup and rats have to do with each other? PANEL FOUR: Front angle on Xaga and the champion. CHAMPION: If you'd eaten at some of the cheap inns I've had to stay in, you might not have to ask that question.
February 16 2024

Well, dang. Not only did I not get another two weeks' worth of old strips relettered and uploaded yesterday, but I didn't get this commentary up till the afternoon. I do have sort of a good excuse... I had to be on set very early yesterday morning, and hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night, so after getting home from a long day of work I was exhausted and basically went straight to bed. (Still, I could have anticipated that and got the commentary up further in advance... or for that matter I could have put it up while I was on set; I had my laptop with me and had it connected to my internet through my phone's hotspot. In fact, I'm on set right now as I write this and that's how I'm getting the commentary up anyway.) In any case, thanks to my having relettered and uploaded a bunch of strips over the last few days, I've got all the strips up through March 24, so the strip itself wasn't up late, which is what's more important. I will try to get another two weeks' worth of old strips relettered and uploaded today; it is, as I've said twice before, a tedious and annoying process, but the sooner I get them all done the sooner I never have to do it again. (Of course, then I'll have to start making new strips, which is more time-consuming... but a lot less tedious.)