Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 1 2024.
PANEL ONE: The man from the last two strips is still talking. The champion and Xaga are in the foreground across from him. MAN: Anyway, so now the Spider Goddess hides beneath the mountains near the Eagles' Pass, stewing in her rage and plotting her revenge upon the gods. PANEL TWO: Close on the man. MAN: And when the night is quiet and still, you can just hear her crazed ranting, coming through the stones... PANEL THREE: Xaga and the champion stare at the man in silence. PANEL FOUR: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: So you're saying we shouldn't go to the Grand Observatory? Or that we should find another way to get there? PANEL FIVE: Angle on the man, with the champion in the foreground. MAN: What? Nah. I'm just saying, if you DO go that way, be sure to keep an ear out for her crazed ranting. It can be good for a decent laugh.
March 1 2024

If you like this guy's bad combover, I have great news! There's another character who'll be showing up later who has one just as bad! (He may not be showing up for a year or so, though.)

And if you couldn't tell this guy was supposed to have a bad combover, I have not so great news! My artistic skills have not appreciably improved since I drew this strip nineteen years ago!