Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for February 3 2024.
PANEL ONE: Angle on the necromancer, with the back of the champion's head in the foreground. NECROMANCER: I am too old for such a long journey. I cannot accompany you to the Crypt of Irchalos. PANEL TWO: Angle on the champion, with the necromancer in the foreground. CHAMPION: But— NECROMANCER: But... my apprentice, Xagueder, will go with you. I am sure she will be more than capable of performing the summoning. PANEL THREE: Wider view of the champion and the necromancer, with Nezhoni the giant rat standing nearby. CHAMPION: You have an apprentice? NECROMANCER: Yes. She's out now acquiring ancient mummy dust, but she'll be back shortly. PANEL FOUR: Angle on the champion. CHAMPION: Uh... where exactly do you ACQUIRE ancient mummy dust around here? NECROMANCER: The local shoemaker sells it. I'm really not sure why.
February 3 2024

So, one of my main goals today is to do those things I mentioned in yesterday's commentary. Make a decent 404 page for the comic, and get a forum thread embedded in each strip page. Am I going to succeed in getting things done? Almost certainly not, given my transcendent incompetence.