Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 10 2024.
PANEL ONE: Nizini faces Erlak across the bar. Many gods fill the seats in the background. ERLAK: Hey Zeen, I was thinking...since my bar's doing so well here, what do you think of my branching out and opening a Bar of Soup in the mortal world? PANEL TWO: Side angle of Nizini and Erlak. NIZINI: You want my honest opinion? ERLAK:'re the goddess of sincerity. Can you give anything else? PANEL THREE: Angle on Nizini; Erlak in the foreground. ERLAK: Okay, Zeen, seriously, yeah, I want your honest opinion. What do you think about my opening bars in the mortal world? PANEL FOUR: Close on Nizini. NIZINI: Well, Erlak, Yeah, the Bar of Soup is doing well here on the Mountains of the Gods, but I think you have to consider the reasons for that. PANEL FIVE: 3/4 angle on Nizini NIZINI: For one thing, you've got very little compe– tition. PANEL SIX: Angle on Nizini, with Erlak in the foreground. The panel is shaped and colored like Drv'dxx's head. NIZINI: There's Drv'dxx and the Dive Divine, of course, but it's been around a long time, and the gods may be leaping at the chance to try something new. PANEL SEVEN: Profile view of Nizini. NIZINI: Which brings us to the second point. Variety. Gods love variety. We're immortal, after all; we need some novelty to keep us interested. PANEL EIGHT; Angle on Nizini, Erlak in the foreground. NIZINI: Mortals, on the other hand... well, okay, maybe to some degree they do like variety too, but even so they've already got it. There are many, many bars in the mortal world; they're not going to flock to a “Bar of Soup” just because it's new and different. PANEL NINE: Close on Nizini. NIZINI: So, while I'm very happy for the success you've had with the Bar of Soup, I don't think trying to expand its operations to the mortal world is a good idea. PANEL TEN: Profile angle of Nizini and Erlak looking at each other. PANEL ELEVEN: Angle on Erlak, Nizini in the foreground. ERLAK: How about if I gave away free peanuts? Mortals like peanuts, right? NIZINI: I supposed to actually answer that question, or just stare blankly at you in confusion?
March 10 2024

Once I do start drawing new strips (which I really need to do soon before my backlog runs out), there are two major characters I'm going to draw slightly differently. In particular, I'm changing their eyes. There are a couple of characters that didn't have their eyes completely outlined, and I'm not sure why I designed them that way. It looks weird. So I'm not changing the characters' design too drastically, but yeah, there aren't going to be any more odd gaps in the outlines of their eyes.

Nizini is, of course, one of those two characters, and I brought it up in the commentary of this strip first because, well, she appears in a lot of panels in this strip (with her strange incomplete eyes), so it was kind of relevant, and second, because I couldn't think offhand of anything else to write in the commentary of this strip. I guess I could have written again about how I still haven't finished fixing the mobile version of the comic, but eh, you'd have probably already guessed that by the fact that I didn't mention it (except of course now I did mention it, so... whatever).