Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 23 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion encounters Xaga in the village. CHAMPION: Xaga! I'm glad to see you again! XAGA: I figured this village would be a logical place to meet back up. PANEL TWO: Close on the champion, Xaga in the foreground. CHAMPION: Yeah, but quick! We've got to warn the villagers about the monster! PANEL THREE: Side view of the champion and Xaga. Behind them, villagers flee the approaching monster. XAGA: Er...something tells me they may already know.
March 23 2024

Uh, so, yeah, I absolutely didn't write the strip for March 31 yesterday like I said I would. I'll... I'll get it done. I still have over a week...

Anyway, I think this is the first strip that actually conveys any idea of the size of the monster.