Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 18 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion stands in front of Snormar. CHAMPION: Look, there's no honor for you in killing me now. I'm completely unarmed and defenseless! PANEL TWO: Angle on Snormar, with the champion in the foreground. SNORMAR: So it seems. But thou hast snared me with thy ruses before. How do I know this be not another trick? PANEL THREE: The champion looks down at himself, clad only in his undershorts. PANEL FOUR: Side angle on the champion and Snormar. CHAMPION: If you mean you think I might be hiding a weapon in my shorts, I suppose I COULD take that as a compliment.
March 18 2024

I just realized that this is the second strip with a punch line revolving around a line being interpreted as innuendo about penis size. I'm sorry. It may or may not be the last.