Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 5 2024.
PANEL ONE: Close on Xaga and the champion in a dungeon corridor. XAGA: Actually, this has been surprisingly easy going so far. CHAMPION: Well, it hasn't been that long since Ligiani and I were here last. I doubt anyone's even been here since. PANEL TWO: View from behind and to the left of Xaga, Maiz, and Nezhoni. CHAMPION (off panel): So yeah, I don't think we have to worry about any surprises. XAGA: I hope not...I'm pretty drained. Levitating the rat across that chasm took a lot out of me. NEZHONI: Hey, you're not exactly svelte yourself, you know. PANEL THREE: Wider view of the four of them standing in front of a closed door. CHAMPION: Well, we're almost there. In fact, the room where Ligiani died should be just beyond this door... PANEL FOUR: The champion looks at the door. CHAMPION: ...which, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I left open... MAIZ: Hooray! A surprise!
March 5 2024

Ugh. I often had trouble getting Maiz's proportions right, and panels 3 and 4 here are very much a case in point. I am not good at drawing kids. I mean, I'm not particularly good at drawing anything, but kids are one of the things I'm especially not good at drawing. Along with horses, cars, and, well, pretty much everything.

Speaking of proportions, Nezhoni's head is way too small in panel 2. Like I said, I'm bad at drawing everything.