Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 14 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak is behind the bar at the Bar of Soup, looking stressed. ERLAK: Look, I'm in a crisis here; my champion is in serious trouble, so if someone can just fill in for me for a moment so I can go help him— PANEL TWO: Erlak grabs another god by the shoulder; the god he accosts does not look pleased. ERLAK: It should only take a few minutes, really, no time at all, so if one of you could please just, you know, keep the bar for me for a moment... PANEL THREE: Erlak puts his hands on his forehead in frustration. ERLAK: AARGH! It's hopeless! Well, if I'm not going to be able to go down there in person, at least I guess I can send something so he knows I'm not ignoring him... PANEL FOUR: Xaga and the champion look back. XAGA: Um...I'm not sure if this is a good thing...but behind us, it seems to be raining chicken broth. CHAMPION: Yeah, great, thanks, Erlak, that's what we needed. To give the monster an appetizer.
March 14 2024

Yes, it's yet another repeat of the "Erlak doesn't know what else to do so he just gives his champion soup" joke, another joke that I overused and ought to retire.

Anyway, I did indeed fix the issue with the oversized gap under the strip on mobile, and so the site is working as it should on mobile now. Or so I thought, until I tested it just before writing this commentary, and realized that while it works fine when the screen is more than 750 pixels wide and when it's less than 500, weird things happen in between. Not super weird, just slightly weird, but weird enough to bother me. Eh... maybe I'll try to get that fixed today. (How many devices have screens between 500 and 750 pixels wide, though? Maybe some tablets, I guess? Or some small phones in landscape mode? Eh, even if it's not likely to come up much, I should still probably fix it.)