Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 8 2024.
PANEL ONE: Facing DeVallon, the champion points at the approaching ghost of Ligiani. Xaga stands in the background. CHAMPION: Maybe you remember Ligiani, DeVallon? The woman you KILLED? PANEL TWO: The champion looks on triumphantly as DeVallon and Ligiani face each other. PANEL THREE: DeVallon smiles. Ligiani smooths her hair. DEVALLON: You know, before I electrocuted you, I never took the time to notice how lovely you were. LIGIANI: You're not so bad–looking yourself. PANEL FOUR: DeVallon and Ligiani depart together, DeVallon's arm around Ligiani's shoulder. The champion and Xaga look on in the foreground, with Nezhoni nearby. DEVALLON: Shall we go off and explore the afterlife together? LIGIANI: Sounds good to me. CHAMPION: That's...that's not even REMOTELY what I had in mind... NEZHONI: Hey, Bub, whatever works...
March 8 2024

Well, once again I didn't get done with the fixes to the mobile version of the site, but, uh, I did start on one of them. That's worth something, right? (No. No it is not.)