Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 23 2024.
PANEL ONE: A goddess approaches the champion and Erlak. GODDESS: You need not worry. Nezhoni will not harm the boy. PANEL TWO: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: Who are you, and how would you know what Nezhoni would do? PANEL THREE: Angle on Erlak, with the goddess and the champion in the foreground. CHAMPION: Besides the “divine omniscience” thing, I mean, which thanks to Erlak I don't put a lot of stock in... ERLAK: Hey! PANEL FOUR: Erlak points with both hands. ERLAK: You want omniscience? I'll show you omniscience! Guess what number I'm thinking of! PANEL FIVE: Erlak looks like he thinks he said something clever. CHAMPION: I...don't see what that could possibly have to do with your being omniscient. ERLAK: Ah, ha! See? I KNEW you'd say that!
April 23 2024

So did I finally get the December 17 strip backgrounds done yesterday like I said I would? No, but in my defense I've been pretty badly sleep deprived for the last week and a half or so, and so I went to bed pretty much as soon as I got home. I didn't just sleep through the night, though; it was more of a nap and I did get up to do some things (among other things, post this commentary), and I'll probably still end up actually going to bed for the night much later than I should, and this will not be the end of my sleep deprivation. Still... I'll try to get that done today. I really do need to get that done.

Okay, normally I think I am fairly good at proofreading my own work; I don't think I often let typos and other errors slip in. Not often isn't never, however, and when I relettered this strip I did notice one pretty significant mistake: the "I" was missing from "being" in the champion's line in the last panel ("with your beng omniscient"). I don't know if this was really worth remarking on, but I have remarked on it anyway, for better or for worse.