Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 12 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Xaga shake hands as Nezhoni and Maiz stand nearby. CHAMPION: Thanks for your help. It's been good travelling with you. XAGA: Likewise. Well, you know where to find me if you need me. PANEL TWO: Close on Xaga. XAGA: You know, if you need another ghost summoned, or a demon, or a soul transferred, or anything along those lines... PANEL THREE: Angle on the champion, with Xaga in the foreground. The two of them look at each other in silence. PANEL FOUR: Wide view as Xaga walks away. CHAMPION: Please don't take this personally, but I kinda hope I don't need you. XAGA: Understood. MAIZ: Aw. I never got to see a demon. NEZHONI: Kid, for a few days, you practically WERE one.
April 12 2024

Spoiler: Maiz will, in fact, someday see a demon. (Not that this strip was meant to be foreshadowing; I don't think I was thinking of that at the time. Some of the strips do intentionally include foreshadowing, but I don't think this was one of them.)