Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 14 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Maiz ride Nezhoni across a barren landscape at sunset. CHAMPION: Well, it's going to take us a while to get to Baltherstowe... PANEL TWO: Front angle on the champion and Nezhoni. CHAMPION: What say you I sing a traveling song to keep our spirits up? NEZHONI: What say you I have your kneecaps for lunch? PANEL THREE: Side angle on Maiz and the champion. MAIZ: I kinda miss Xaga. PANEL FOUR: Close on champion. CHAMPION: Yeah, I guess after you've been traveling with someone for two months it does seem odd to not have them around anymore. PANEL FIVE: The champion leans back to talk to Maiz. CHAMPION: But that's the way things always are. The life of an adventurer is a lonely one. PANEL SIX: Bird's eye view on the champion and Maiz. CHAMPION: He may have a companion for a while who then goes her own way or, worse, meets unexpected death. PANEL SEVEN: Wider view of the champion, Maiz, and Nezhoni in silhouette. CHAMPION: He has alliances, friendships, but rarely lasting relationships, and even the gods don't always prove themselves dependable. PANEL EIGHT: Closer on the champion and Maiz. CHAMPION: And in the end, after a brief association, he's left with a seven–year–old shapeshifter and a giant talking rat as his only companions. PANEL NINE: They ride on in silence PANEL TEN: The champion leads back toward Maiz again. CHAMPION: Okay, that last part...may not represent quite such a universal experience. MAIZ: I'm gonna be eight in two months!
April 14 2024

One thing I seem to do a lot is leave the penultimate panel dialogue-free to anticipate the punch line (such as it is) in the last panel. I mean, obvious I know I'm not the only person who does this; it's pretty common in comic strips; but still, I do it enough that I wonder if I may be overusing it. I don't know. Maybe I'll try to cut back on doing this. More likely I won't.

Ye gads the champion's face looks weird in the last panel. He's one of the main characters of the comic and I don't know that I ever did get the knack of drawing him consistently. (I suppose that's true for all the characters to some degree, but especially him. Well, him and Nizini.)