Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for March 31 2024.
PANEL ONE: We see Anine, goddess of death, surrounded by skulls and magical emanations. ANINE: Behold! It is I, Anine, Goddess of Death! PANEL TWO: Wider view; we see that Anine is in front of Nizini. NIZINI: Or, alternatively, you could just open a conversation by saying "Hello". ANINE: Where's the fun in that? PANEL THREE: Anine sits down on the bench next to Nizini. ANINE: Look, Nizini. Can we talk, goddess to goddess? NIZINI: I... don't see why not. PANEL FOUR: Close on Anine, with Nizini in the foreground. ANINE: Okay, so, look. Being the goddess of death has its perks. I strike fear into the hearts of mortals, and I get to decorate the underworld however I want. NIZINI: I thought the purple cat motif was an... interesting choice. PANEL FIVE: Close on Anine. ANINE: But, you know, it has some RESPONSIBILITIES, too. Like, all the dead have to be judged and sent to the right afterlife. And that's never been my favorite part of the job, and frankly I don't think it's the part I'm best at. PANEL SIX: Closer on Anine; we see transparent images in the foreground of Yagatai, Goddess of Prophecy, and the monster she predicted. ANINE: And now Yagatai, the Goddess of Prophecy, has been foretelling that within the next mortal generation some terrible monster is going to usurp the gods and cast the world into ruin. And I don't know EXACTLY what that's going to entail, but I do know it's likely to mean, well, A LOT MORE DEATH. And more judgment. And I'm having a hard time keeping up as it is. PANEL SEVEN: Close on Nizini, Anine in the foreground. ANINE: So I was thinking, maybe I could use some help. And who better to judge the dead than the goddess of sincerity? At least I can guarantee you're going to be genuine about it. PANEL EIGHT: Front angle on Anine and Nizini. ANINE: I know you already come down to the underworld from time to time anyway. NIZINI: Sometimes when a good person doubts they made a difference in life, I come down to explain sincerely what impact they had. But that's... a lot different from... sitting in judgment. PANEL NINE: View of Anine and Nizini from above. ANINE: Sure, but I... think you could do it. And I could really use the help. What do you say? I'll think about it. PANEL TEN: Close on Anine. ANINE: Are you REALLY going to think about it, or are you just saying that? PANEL ELEVEN: Close on Nizini. NIZINI: I'm the goddess of sincerity. I don't just say things. PANEL TWELVE: Anine stands and raises her arms. ANINE: I do! Flibbertigibbet! Quagmire! Hoist the boots by their belfry! NIZINI: You're... not really making your offer more attractive.
March 31 2024

Here it is! The first brand new Soup strip I've drawn since... 2011! (As previously mentioned, the strip that originally ran here was an April Fools' comic swap strip, which I didn't want to rerun for reasons explained in the February 18 commentary.) And I actually got it up on time! Well, okay, technically it was about a minute late, but what are the chances that anyone was checking the site between midnight and 12:01? It was by no means a sure thing that that was going to happen. I kind of... didn't get around to drawing it until the day before it was supposed to go up, and I was working that day so there didn't seem to be much chance that I would have time to get it done. But then the work canceled for the day due to the weather, so I had the whole day to work on the strip! And of course, being me, I procrastinated and didn't actually start it until the evening, leaving myself far too little time. But I got it done anyway! It's up! I actually finished a new strip!

Not that you can necessarily tell there was such a time gap between this strip and the surrounding strips, which were drawn in 2005. You'd think in more than eighteen years my artistic abilities would have significantly improved, but apparently not. Honestly, I don't spend nearly as much time practicing drawing as I should, if I really want to get better. It's hard, because while I do want to work on my artistic skills, there are loads of other things I want to do too, and, well, time is all too finite a resource. Hm. In particular, I'm not sure Nizini really looks right in some of the panels, although I did recently redesign her (just slightly, only the eyes, really), and she was always one of the characters I had the hardest time drawing to begin with, so... maybe it's not a surprise she didn't come out perfect here.

Oh, and besides my art, another thing that hasn't gotten better in the last eighteen years? My capacity for conciseness. Ye gads this strip is wordy. (And the text is probably a bit too small to accommodate all those words, harming its legibility; sorry.) I have got to work on... reining in my loquacity.

Anyway! I have a lot more strips to do if I want to keep my buffer up and not run out of strips in June, but hey, I got a new strip done! My first one in almost thirteen years! That's something, right?