Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 17 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion sits on the floor of the Bar of Soup, in a pool of liquid. An apparently unconscious god lies nearby. CHAMPION: What... where am I? PANEL TWO: The champion looks up at Erlak behind the bar. Lambor sits nearby. ERLAK: You're in the Bar of Soup, where the gods themselves go PANEL THREE: The champion faces Erlak across the bar. ERLAK: Congratulations! Very few mortals get the opportunity to visit the Moun– tains of the Gods. PANEL FOUR: The champion looks down at the pool of liquid at his feet. CHAMPION: And how many mortals get the opportunity to land in a puddle of what appears to be divine vomit? ERLAK: YOU MAY BE THE FIRST! LAMBOR: Actually, you'd be surprised...
April 17 2024

So I said that today I wasn't working due to the science fair, and maybe I'd have time to finally put in the long-missing backgrounds to the December 17 strip. So did I do that? No, of course not; I never do anything that I try to do. But I did start to put in the backgrounds. But I ran into a problem.

As it happens, I had already partially completed the background of the third panel; I'd drawn in the inn walls, but hadn't put in the tables and patrons yet. So I tried to do that... but despite repeated attempts, I just could not get the perspective of the tables to look right. It took me far too long to realize that the reason I could not get the perspective of the tables to look right was, in fact, because the perspective of the walls was off; the vanishing point was way up near the top of the panel where it absolutely should not have been. So before I can get the tables to look right, I have to fix the perspective of the walls first. I am bad at perspective. This is not surprising, because I am bad at everything.