Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 18 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak stands in front of the champion. ERLAK: So anyway, I brought you here to make up for not showing up promptly when you called on me a couple weeks ago. PANEL TWO: Close on the champion, with Erlak visible in the foreground. CHAMPION: To make up for—Erlak, I was almost EATEN by a MONSTER! PANEL THREE: Erlak holds up a bowl of soup. ERLAK: And now you can imagine you're getting your revenge by eating some MONSTER-FLAVORED SOUP! PANEL FOUR: Erlak holds up a spoon near the champion's mouth. CHAMPION: Um...what does monster–flavored soup taste like, exactly? ERLAK: Only one way to find out!
April 18 2024

Ack! I didn't put up the commentary for today's strip! Well, obviously I did; you're reading it right now. But what I mean is I didn't do so when I should have done so, viz., before today. I put it up at, uh, about 10 p.m. on the day the strip went up, which is approximately twenty-two hours later than it should have gone up.

In my defense, it's been a tiring week; every day this week since Sunday (except Tuesday that I took off for the science fair) I've been working long days at a far-flung location without internet access or even a phone signal, and okay I guess not having a phone signal shouldn't be physically taxing, but maybe there's a psychological thing, and also I've been going to bed too late and getting way too little sleep and I am badly sleep-deprived. (I mean, I think I generally get less sleep than I should and am chronically sleep-deprived, which I probably ought to do something about, but this week has been especially bad.) So, yeah, I guess something had to give, and that something was today's commentary. And possibly my health, physical and/or mental.

However! There is something I'd been meaning to do that I did get done today! Which I'll discuss in tomorrow's commentary. Which I'm going to write as soon as I post this one, so at least tomorrow's commentary will be up on time.