Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 8 2024.
PANEL ONE: Gantranis, goddess of indulgence, faces Drv'dxx at the Dive Divine. GANTRANIS: So, Drv'dxx, now that Erlak's opened up his own bar it's a bit less crowded around here. PANEL TWO: Close on Drv'dxx DRV'DXX: Yes. It makes my existence slightly less torturous to have fewer of you detestable godlings around. PANEL THREE: Angle on Drv'dxx; Gantranis in the foreground. GANTRANIS: So, since there aren't as many other gods to talk to, I figured I'd sit here and chat with YOU. DRV'DXX: Of course, it has its downside...
April 8 2024

You may remember this recurring character as Gantranis, Goddess of Indulgence. Or you may not, because she's only appeared in one previous strip and who cares.