Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 15 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak faces Lambor at the Bar of Soup. ERLAK: So, Lambor, I was thinking... PANEL TWO: Slightly closer on Erlak; the back of Lambor's head is visible in the foreground. ERLAK: I still feel bad about not being able to help my champion when he called for me. I want to be on his good side. PANEL THREE: Close on Erlak. ERLAK: So I want to make it up to him some– how. But how? I've got this bar to run. I can't just hop down to the mortal realm. PANEL FOUR: Erlak raises a finger. ERLAK: And then...I had an idea! PANEL FIVE: Lambor addresses Erlak, who wasn't even looking in his direction. LAMBOR: I'm sorry; were you talking to me? ERLAK: Huh? Oh...yeah... I guess so.
April 15 2024

I keep saying I need to write and draw new strips before my buffer runs out—and I do, and I haven't yet—but there's another thing I ought to do too, which is finally get the backgrounds done in the December 16 strip. As I said in that strip's commentary, when the strip initially went up I was in a hurry to get it online (for some reason) and I skimped on the backgrounds... intending to go back and fill them in later. And I never did. And I still haven't, despite having said in the commentary at the time that I would do so "by this afternoon", i.e. the afternoon of December 16. That did not happen.

I'd actually intended to get that done yesterday, but I had a long day at work and was very tired when I got home, and I didn't get to it. Maybe I'll get to it today, although maybe I won't, because it's looking like it's going to be another long day at work, and I'm going to be very tired when I get home. But soon.

By the way, you may be wondering what the punch line is for today's strip, since it... doesn't seem to make much sense. I think the idea is that Erlak isn't really paying attention to Lambor and is mostly just rambling on to himself, to the extent that by the last panel he isn't even facing Lambor despite supposedly talking to him. But I don't know that this was expressed well, and even if it had been I'm not sure it was that funny. Sorry.

Also, whoops, that thing I mentioned in the April 2 commentary about sometimes forgetting to resize the strips before uploading them? I did it again.