Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 11 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion, Maiz, and Xaga sit at a table at an inn. CHAMPION: So, I guess you'll be heading back to Barriton now. XAGA: Yeah, I guess so. You? PANEL TWO: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: Well, I guess I'll go to the Grand Observatory of Baltherstowe. I want to find out more about Maiz's transformations, and see if there's a way to stop them. PANEL THREE: A man with an eyepatch leans on the table. MAN: Did I hear somebody mention the Grand Observatory of Baltherstowe? PANEL FOUR: Close on the champion, with the man in the foreground. CHAMPION: Yes. And you already told us the story about the Spider Goddess, and her lurking under the Eagles' Pass, the LAST time we were in this town. PANEL FIVE: Angle on the man, with the champion in the foreground. MAN: Oh... oh. MAN: Well, do you mind if I tell it again? CHAMPION: I'd kinda rather you didn't.
April 11 2024

So, expanding on the news from the previous commentary about my having found the missing Illustrator files for the old strips: I've now taken a closer look, and it does indeed seem like the files for all the missing strips are there... except the June 2 strip, which, as I mentioned previously, was the last strip I drew previous to the current relaunch, and was drawn in 2011, so the fact that it's missing is a bit of a mystery. In any case, though, the files I found on the old hard drive were apparently from 2009, so they predate that strip having been drawn. It's still possible that that June 2 strip may turn up somewhere... but if it doesn't, I may actually just go ahead and redraw it before it runs; I don't know that I'm particularly happy with the art anyway, and I don't know if anyone actually saw the original strip, given that it went up at a time the comic was updating extremely infrequently and probably had very few if any readers.

I seem to have been inconsistent in my use of prepositions to refer to the observatory mentioned here; in some strips I called it the Grand Observatory at Baltherstowe, and in others the Grand Observatory of Baltherstowe. "Of" seems more reasonable, and that's what I've corrected it to.