Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 3 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak slaps his forehead. ERLAK: Oh no! I just remembered–there was a message I was supposed to give my champion the next time I saw him! PANEL TWO: Lambor faces Erlak across the bar. LAMBOR: A message? ERLAK: Yeah—something about an amulet and an evil elemental. PANEL THREE: Closer on Erlak. ERLAK: Ah, well; it probably wasn't all that important. PANEL FOUR: The lord from earlier strips and his daughter sit across from Jarum in a ruined building. LORD: Well, look at it this way...the elemental's destruction may have killed off thousands of people, but there are still hundreds of thousands of people in the duchy it HASN'T killed yet... JARUM: Your optimism is truly inspiring, milord.
April 3 2024

I think this is the first strip to establish that this guy is a duke (since he mentioned a duchy). Still no name, though, despite his having appeared in eight strips now.