Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 7 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion, Maiz, and Xaga travel through the wilderness (Nezhoni is also presumably present but off panel). CHAMPION: Xaga, can I ask you a question? XAGA: Of course. PANEL TWO: Closer on Xaga and the champion. Xaga grins. XAGA: Can I ask you a question and not get a phony answer designed to prey on my fears and gullibility? CHAMPION: I make no promises. PANEL THREE: Different angle on Xaga and the champion. CHAMPION: So, now that you've seen what Maiz turns you know anything about that? PANEL FOUR: Closer on Xaga. XAGA: Not really. It's no kind of creature I've ever seen before. It may very well be unique. PANEL FIVE: The champion looks at Xaga. XAGA: The only thing I can suggest is that you find out which constellate governs the transformations; that may at least give you a starting point for your investigations. PANEL SIX: Wider angle; we can now see Nezhoni (whom the champion is riding). CHAMPION: Any way to stop him from changing? XAGA: Maybe, but again we'd need to know more about— NEZHONI: What about bashing his head in? PANEL SEVEN: The champion, Xaga, and Maiz stare at Nezhoni. PANEL EIGHT: Slightly different angle on the group. NEZHONI: Hey, I'm not saying I necessarily want the kid DEAD. I'm just thinking outside the box here. MAIZ: I don't think I like that idea very much. PANEL NINE: Side angle on the four of them. NEZHONI: Okay, look, what if he's just not WHOLE? Does he ALL have to be there to transform? So maybe if, say, I bit his arm off, could that stop him from transforming? XAGA: Well, uh... PANEL TEN: Closer on Xaga and Maiz, with the champion visible at the edge of frame. MAIZ: Maybe the arm would transform by itself, and there'd be this giant living monster arm going around! XAGA: That's...actually not completely impossible... MAIZ: Cool! PANEL ELEVEN: Wider angle. MAIZ: And then maybe it would grow a whole new monster, and— NEZHONI: Well, what if we cut it off and BURNED it? PANEL TWELVE: Close on Maiz, getting excited. MAIZ: And then the ashes could grow into a new monster, and it would be, like, made of ash, and it would breathe fire... PANEL THIRTEEN: Wider angle; the four continue traveling. MAIZ: Or maybe EACH ASH would become a new monster! And— CHAMPION: Um... I think we're kinda getting off the subject here...
April 7 2024

So, did I in fact write any new strips yesterday like I said I would in the last commentary? No I did not. But to be fair, I was kind of stressed most of the day because I had slept through my alarm (or perhaps forgotten to set my alarm) and been late to work, so it was just a pretty terrible day all around. Hopefully today will be better. It can't be much worse. (Well, yes it can be, but hopefully it won't be.)