Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 1 2024.
PANEL ONE; The champion squats down and examines the ground. CHAMPION: You're right, Nezhoni. There was something here. I can see the footprints. PANEL TWO: The champion starts to get up. Maiz stands nearby. CHAMPION: Well, if you can call them ”footprints“—whatever this was didn't have human feet. They're kind of thin and pointy... MAIZ: Like SPIDER LEGS? CHAMPION: Well... conceivably, yes. MAIZ: Cool! PANEL THREE: The champion turns around to talk to Maiz and Nezhoni. CHAMPION: So, I guess we have two choices. We can either go on our way and ignore this... PANEL FOUR: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: ...or we can saunter who knows how far across difficult terrain, maybe following some horrible anthropophagous monster, and quite possibly heading straight into a deadly trap. PANEL FIVE: Maiz raises his hand. NEZHONI: Kinda loading the question, a little, ain'cha, Bub? CHAMPION: What, do YOU want to follow the tracks? NEZHONI: Heck, no. For once I actually agree with you. MAIZ: I vote for the sauntering thing.
May 1 2024

So I think I may have figured out why I'm having so much trouble getting the perspective right in the backgrounds for the December 17 strip. It's because I'm trying to match the layout of the tavern as shown in the first panel, but the perspective is wrong in that panel. The windows and tables are too low, so when I try to draw them from a different angle, either they're too low there, or they don't match the first panel. I guess hypothetically I could redraw that first panel, but if haven't redrawn any of the other early strips (except for particularly flagrant errors like backward hands), I'm not going to redraw this one. I'll just press on and stop being so much of a perfectionist (my art is after all very far from perfect regardless), and if the backgrounds don't look quite right, eh, neither does any of the other art, so whatever.