Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 29 2024.
PANEL ONE: Maiz and the champion ride Nezhoni the giant rat across a barren landscape. MAIZ: Is this the pass that man was talking about where the Spider Goddess is? CHAMPION: I think so, but I wouldn't worry about it. PANEL TWO: Closer on Maiz and the champion. CHAMPION: I think he was just making up stories. And besides, didn't he basically imply the Spider Goddess was harmless anyway? PANEL THREE: Close-up on Maiz. MAIZ: Well, even if she's not, we should be okay. You're the champion of the god of soup, right? PANEL FOUR: Wider angle on Maiz, the champion, and Nezhoni. CHAMPION: Yeah, so we should be in great shape...assuming the Spider Goddess has some kind of vulnerability to vichyssoise.
April 29 2024

Okay. I keep saying this, but today I will really make a concerted effort to get the backgrounds to that December 17 strip done, and maybe draw some new strips. I am working today, but I don't think it's going to be a terribly long day. Of course, as I said, I keep saying this, so we'll see if it sticks this time.