Welp. I am dumb. I thought I had uploaded the entire week's worth of strips, but, secure in the knowledge that the everything was all set up and should be automatically updating. Then last night I finally checked the site, and... oops. I'd accidentally saved the strip for January 2 with the filename 20230102 instead of 20240102, so it didn't show up, and I accidentally uploaded an unscaled version of the strip for yesterday, so it was showing up but was way too big, and... yeah. I think the rest of the week should be good now, but I'll have to be better about checking. And hopefully I'll get in the groove of the updates so I won't make mistakes like that again.
For the record, the outlines are only for the reader's benefit. It's supposed to be pitch black in there; the characters can't see anything. (Well, except maybe for the mysterious lurking at the top of the pit; who knows what he can do.) I guess I could have just made everything solid black, or gone with the old bit of the panel being solid black except for the characters' eyes, but eh, that seemed like a cop-out.