Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 12 2024.
PANEL ONE: Overhead view of the Spider Goddess facing the champion and Maiz. SPIDER GODDESS: Call upon your god, little champion! He cannot hear you from here. SPIDER GODDESS: Enough power remains to me to see to that. PANEL TWO: Angle on the champion, with the Spider Goddess in the foreground. CHAMPION: Yeah...actually, calling upon my god was probably about Plan D. PANEL THREE: Side angle of the Spider Goddess looming in front of the champion and Maiz. SPIDER GODDESS: Do you know who I am? PANEL FOUR: Angle on the champion, with the Spider Goddess in the foreground. CHAMPION: Uh...well, I'm pretty sure you're the Spider Goddess, right? SPIDER GODDESS: So they call me now, but I was not always thus. PANEL FIVE: Close on the Spider Goddess's eyes SPIDER GODDESS: Once I was Nehema, Goddess of Architec– ture. But I aspired to be more than I was, and the other gods resented my ambition. PANEL SIX: We see a flashback of a number of assembled gods facing a goddess, who is being transformed against her will. SPIDER GODDESS (off panel): And after a long battle, they cast me out, and reduced me to what I am today. SPIDER GODDESS (off panel): And foremost among those who fought against me was YOUR PATRON. PANEL SEVEN: Bird's eye view of the Spider Goddess facing the champion and Maiz. SPIDER GODDESS: And for what your master has done, I will have my vengeance upon you. For— CHAMPION: Hold on, hold on. Can I ask a question here? PANEL EIGHT: Angle on the Spider Goddess, with the champion and Maiz standing in front of her. The spidery creature from the previous strips stands beside the Spider Goddess. CHAMPION: You ARE talking about the right god, right? Erlak, God of Soup? I mean, you didn't mishear something and think I was a champion of, say, the God of SOAP, did you? PANEL NINE: The Spider Goddes looks at the spidery creature. CHAMPION: Hello? You know I'm a champion of the God of SOUP, right? PANEL TEN: The spidery creature shrugs sheepishly. CHAMPION: Can I take that as a no? CHAMPION: So...can we go, then? PANEL ELEVEN: The champion starts to walk away. CHAMPION: We'll just... we'll just show ourselves out.
May 12 2024

So, of course I didn't get new strips done yesterday like I hoped I might, because I am completely incompetent and incapacitated by executive dysfunction and I never do anything. I have so many plans and ten thousand things I want to do, and I will never actually finish any of them.

Okay, it's not like I did nothing today; I actually spent a significant amount of time at a meeting of a political organization I recently joined (aside from voting in elections, I haven't really been politically active, but with everything going on right now I... kind of feel like I should be trying to do more), and then going out to a bar with them to socialize afterward (I did not have anything to drink there, though mostly because I am broke until some of the checks I'm owed start coming in and had no money to pay for it), and all of that took way more time than I thought it would and ate up most of the day, but still... I really need to start getting more things done.