You know what I'd really hoped to have done by now? Besides finished the backgrounds to that December 17 strip, and drawn a bunch of new strips? Had link banners done and actually started advertising Soup to try to attract some readers. You know what I haven't done by now? Besides finished the backgrounds to that December 17 strip, and drawn a bunch of new strips? Had link banners done and actually started advertising Soup to try to attract some readers.
That's another thing I really want to try to get done soon, but I've been swamped with work the last few weeks. Which is good, from a financial standpoint; not so good from a free time standpoint. And while I do bring a laptop with me to work and occasionally have enough down time and enough of an internet connection to get things done on it, I don't of course have my drawing tablet with me, so even if I do get a chance to actually get something done on my creative projects while I'm at work, that something cannot include drawing. (Well, it can include drawing on paper, like concept sketches, but it can't involve drawing on the computer, which is how I draw Soup.) That's something I have to do at home, and I... just haven't had much time at home the last few weeks except to sleep.
Urfff. I'll get it done eventually. I just... don't know exactly when. Dagnabbit.