Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 4 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion, Maiz, and Nezhoni stand in front of a cave opening. CHAMPION: Well, we can't just keep going without any supplies. Even if it is a trap, we've got to go in there. NEZHONI: Fine. You two go. I'll wait out here. PANEL TWO: The champion looks down at Nezhoni. CHAMPION: Nezhoni, we may need you. We don't know what we're going to find in there. What if we end up in a fight? PANEL THREE: Close on Nezhoni. NEZHONI: Seems to me, if you DO end up in a fight, you're making a lot of assumptions as to WHICH SIDE I'D BE ON. PANEL FOUR: Front angle on Maiz, the champion, and Nezhoni. CHAMPION: Okay, how about this: Maiz and I will go in. Nezhoni, you wait here. NEZHONI: Sounds like a plan.
May 4 2024

I don't know why the champion's proportions look so weird and topheavy in the last panel. I mean, I do know why. It's because I can't draw. But I'm not sure why he looks so much even worse than usual there. Or maybe he doesn't and he always looks this bad and I just don't notice it most of the time.