Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 9 2023.
PANEL ONE: Erlak approaches a woman sitting at a table in the bar. ERLAK: Hey there. How are you doing? PANEL TWO: A man comes up behind Erlak. MAN: Hey, are you hitting on my girl? ERLAK: Huh? What? No! PANEL THREE: Close on Erlak ERLAK: I was just saying hello! PANEL FOUR: Close on the man MAN: Well I don't like the way you said it. PANEL FIVE: Close on Erlak. ERLAK: Yeesh. Déjà vu. PANEL SIX: The man confronts Erlak. MAN: Oh, so you have a _habit_ of hitting on other guys' girls. ERLAK: What? No, of course not! I— PANEL SEVEN: The man's eyes narrow. Erlak looks around nervously. MAN: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't punch your lights out right now. ERLAK: Um, well, uh... PANEL EIGHT: Erlak points back at the bartender. ERLAK: Stay back! I'm a wizard! Ask him! BARTENDER: I'm stayin' outta this...
November 9 2023

Is the background of this strip too busy? Probably. Was it a bad idea to try to cram eight panels into a weekday strip? Probably.