Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 2 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion speaks to the stablekeeper while the giant rat Nezhoni stands nearby. CHAMPION: No, really, this is a rare Terallian rathorse. PANEL TWO: The champion motions toward Nezhoni, who looks at him. CHAMPION: It may _look_ ugly, but in its own way it's truly a magnificant animal,... PANEL THREE: Nezhoni readies to bite the champion's leg. CHAMPION: ...superbly adapted to the terrain of its rocky homeland... PANEL FOUR: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: _Yeowch!_ PANEL FIVE: The champion bends over, holding his injured leg. CHAMPION: I meant ugly for a _horse_! Ugly for a _horse_! I'm sure for a gigantic murine you're very attractive. STABLEKEEPER: Please leave now.
November 2 2023

In case it's unclear—which it probably is"the reason the champion is yelling out in pain is because Nezhoni bit him on the leg. A bit more on that in tomorrow's commentary.