Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for October 12 2023.
PANEL ONE: The cloaked figures lead the champion and Nezhoni past a huge statue of another cloaked figure. CHAMPION: What is that thing? PANEL TWO: Closer on the champion and one of the cloaked figures. CLOAKED FIGURE: That is a statue of our master, Xak'lar, god of evil. PANEL THREE: They continue past the statue. CHAMPION: He has kind of a big head, doesn't he? PANEL FOUR: Close on one of the cloaked figures. CLOAKED FIGURE: PANEL FIVE: They continue moving away from the statue. CHAMPION: Okay, maybe he's got a small body, then.
October 12 2023

After posting this strip during the original run, I happened to run across another comic, Spaz Labs, that had made a strip with pretty much exactly the same joke a few weeks before. On the one hand, this was a little offputting because I didn't want it to look like I'd copied this other comic (I hadn't; despite my tardiness in drawing the strips, I had written the strips a few months in advance, so I had already written this strip before the Spaz Labs strip went up—and, again, I hadn't seen the Spaz Labs strip before posting mine). On the other hand, I'd had my doubts about whether this was really a decent joke in the first place, and seeing that another cartoonist had liked this same joke enough not only to use it in a strip but to use it as the final punch line in a four-strip mini story arc did somewhat reassure me that at least someone else thought it was funny.