Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 9 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Maiz look down a long, shadowy corridor, at the end of which their bags are on a pedestal. MAIZ: Hey, there are our bags! CHAMPION: I see them. PANEL TWO: They proceed down the corridor. CHAMPION: This is too easy; it's got to be a trap. CHAMPION: I'm going to check and make sure everything's still in the bags. PANEL THREE: The champion turns back to talk to Maiz while he reaches for the bags. PANEL FOUR: A spidery creature pops out of the saddlebag. CREATURE: Boo! CHAMPION: YAAAAAH!
May 9 2024

Well, huh. I totally forgot to get the commentary up today. I could have sworn I did, but I didn't. Hm.

I mean, technically I did get it up today, but not till almost midnight (which is when I realized I hadn't posted it, when I went to post tomorrow's commentary). What I meant, of course, was that I forgot to put today's commentary up before today.

I've got to stop doing this. Although, again, I guess it doesn't matter so much when I don't have any readers because I haven't done anything to publicize the strip. Which is another thing I've got to do. (Once I have a bit of money to spare...)