Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for September 23 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion is riding on the back of the rat. CHAMPION: So, um, do you have a name? PANEL TWO: Close on the rat. RAT: Nezhoni. PANEL THREE: "Nezhoni"? That seems like an odd name for a rat, somehow. PANEL FOUR: Bird's eye view of the champion riding on the rat. RAT: Well, if you want, you can call me by a nickname, like "The rat that bit my nose off for making stupid comments." CHAMPION: "Nezhoni" will be fine. RAT: I thought so.
September 23 2023

Yeah, the rat's face looks terrible in the second panel. In general, Nezhoni was probably one of the hardest characters for me to draw, and I'm not sure I ever really got a handle on drawing the rat's face from every angle. (Well, then again, it's not like I ever really got a handle on drawing the human characters' faces from every angle, either...